A few weeks ago, I was offered the chance to take the Bubble Developer Certification.

Being a certified coach, it was a no brainer to immediately sign up for it. I am proud to announce that I have passed the Certification!

Some musings about my experience:

  • I achieved a score of 85% (pass requirement = 75%)
  • I did not prepare at all for the test. Of course, as a Bubble coach, I am definitely not the norm to compare to.
  • I took 1 hour and 4 minutes to complete the test (compared to an average of 2 hours and a 3.5 hr time limit)
  • I did not extensively mull over every question, and I definitely could have done better.

2 key thoughts on the exam:

  • Questions were mostly skewed towards workload and data compared to responsiveness.
  • Given the format(MCQs), questions were overly descriptive and may penalise those with poorer English mastery.

Overall, it was a very simple and fuss-free experience! I encourage all of you to sign up for the certification waitlist here.

Let me know if you have gone through the certification and what your experience is like!

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